The Joy of Creativity: Practicing Your Creative Craft with both Discipline and Enjoyment. (DAY 16)

DAY Sixteen: Humble Yourself

Precious C.K.
3 min readNov 7, 2020

This is a 21-Day Exploration of Creativity.

If you haven’t heard Kendrick Lamar’s BE HUMBLE then you need to Repent. Repent NOW.

When Oprah started her TV network, OWN, it was tanking so fast that they had to re-strategise pronto or just close shop. Oprah said she was at a party and Lorne Michaels, creator of SNL, was present and she went over to where he was seated and sat at his feet to glean whatever morsels of wisdom he could give about how to be successful in the TV business. Everyone thought that since she’d had the most successful talk show on TV for over twenty years then running a TV network would be a walk in the park. Oprah herself admitted to thinking the same but when things were going so bad and her partners, Discovery Network, were pouring hundreds of millions into OWN with nothing to show for it, she finally admitted that maybe she didn’t know it all. So, what did she do? She started to ask for help and to not only listen but implement what the experts like Mr Michaels told her.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with admitting that you need help. As a matter of fact, it is absolutely crucial to your success as a creative person to understand that you will never know everything. Be the kind of person who is quick to admit they need help, even quicker to seek out this help and advice from those who’ve been where you are, and trebly quick to change what needs to be changed.

It is crucial, on this journey of creativity, that we take time out to course-correct. What was said by whomever (I actually don’t know who said this) that ‘insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results’ is still true today. Someone once explained it like trying to tear down a wall that is standing in your way. After trying hammers and axes and bazookas and tanks and realising the wall is still intact, perhaps it is time to put down the weapons and think for a minute. Failing to do this is a form of arrogance and, trust me, pride will get you absolutely nowhere especially if you are really passionate about what you do and would love to be more successful at it.

Ten Things to Do if You Are Stuck

A very stuck Winnie the Pooh
  1. Admit it
  2. Talk to someone who has been where you are
  3. Be very open to advice from said person(s) who have been where you are
  4. Practice
  5. Read about your creative craft a lot
  6. Maybe watch a YouTube video or two to learn the intricate techniques of your craft
  7. Know when to upgrade from YouTube videos to something more substantial (not just for the title like PhD, although there’s nothing wrong with that, but upgrade primarily for the knowledge while keeping in mind that you can also get knowledge without a degree etc).
  8. Practice
  9. Rinse and repeat as often as necessary
  10. Practice

Originally published HERE —



Precious C.K.

A writer currently doing writerly things, and other wildly exciting things, in Kampala. Social media handle — @iampreciousck