The Joy of Creativity: Practicing Your Creative Craft with both Discipline and Enjoyment. (DAY 11)

Precious C.K.
3 min readOct 30, 2020

DAY Eleven: Trust Yourself

This is a 21-Day Exploration of Creativity.

“Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!” ANNE FRANK

When you have been meandering for so long, it is hard to suddenly trust that you will find your way again. When some opportunities are missed and others have been thrown away because of ignorance, naivety or plain stupidity, how do you get to the place of trusting that you not only have what it takes but will not repeat the same mistakes?

I think the best way to deal with losing trust in oneself and in one’s abilities is to simply stop and find your bearings. For those of us who love the outdoors, sometimes we get out there and walk and walk, allowing our minds to wander because maybe the fresh air will help us come to some solutions we wouldn’t have come by otherwise. Then after an hour or so we look up and…we don’t know where the heck we are. What then? Stop for a minute and look at your map or compass to reorient yourself with your surroundings and to find your bearings again! You see, sometimes we just let the ‘flow’ of life take over and we don’t really stop to find our bearings. So, we can find ourselves lost in the weeds of life, in jobs we hate, in toxic relationships and in a place of a deep, all-round unfulfillment.

In these situations, remember that you are still your best ally. Yes, you might have gotten yourself in that mess to begin with, but your inner compass is not broken, you just don’t know how to follow it any more because of all those years of ignoring it totally.

There is a difference between simply recognizing that you made a wrong turn somewhere and believing that your compass is broken and not worth following any more. If you ever start thinking that you can’t find your way back onto the right path, then you are well and truly lost. You can’t lose trust in yourself simply because you’ve been meandering for ions.

Today’s Thought

How did you get to the place where you’re at now? Maybe it is time to sit down and find your bearings again. Also, cut yourself some slack. You got lost for a minute but, if you are willing to admit that you made a wrong turn and to put in the work that is needed to find your way again, you can build trust in yourself again.

Originally published HERE —



Precious C.K.

A writer currently doing writerly things, and other wildly exciting things, in Kampala. Social media handle — @iampreciousck